Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Me.. just a name...

D REAL ME!?~!? -- DO U CARE WHO I AM? N WOT I STAND 4? DO U HAV D TIME 2 KNOW ME? DO U WANT 2 INVEST UR EFFORTZ INTO ME 2 KNOW "D REAL ME"? ~~~~~~~If yes to any of d above Q.s ten go ahead n read on..otherwise jus terminate hre!~~~~~~~

[aha..U wont stop rite..coz like anyother human.. --human by nature is curiouz so u gona read on inspite of sayin a "NO" to one of those Q.s!]......go on ten..

I am, like many, a common, selfish, human being[i dont testify dis coz my freinds think i am opposite of wot i said!].I Dream too much... But still miles and miles away from my dreamz..[coz dreamz turn into thoughts n thoughtz into actionz!] Many times feel d sence of loneliness but feel happy to be with my friends…Have a lot of things to achieve…..Don’t know how much I can, but definitely I will… This is me so far… Just a name...Ashok. I am still satisfied with my life…. No complaints… No Regrets…....[fullstop hre~!] :)

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